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Several states getting early jump on emerging blockchain, cryptocurrency acceptance

Recent headlines have been full of discussion on cryptocurrencies and speculation on significant changes in federal policy related to the technology. Anticipating federal action, leaders of several states are exploring ways to get their own jurisdictions involved in the space. Here are some recent examples, drawing from proposed legislation to implemented policies and structures for acceptance of the financial innovation:

Useful Stats: The state of US venture capital in 2024

Fewer of the youngest and later stage innovation-driven companies are receiving private venture capital at a time when the country needs more of both to retain our global economic leadership, according to data released in the latest report from PitchBook and NVCA. Across 2024, United States VC has seen an increase in overall deal value (+$47 billion) despite a decrease in deal count (-936) since the prior year, reveals the Q4 2024 Venture Monitor report. Values for each metric still sit below the pandemic-induced highs in 2021 and 2022. By stage, 2024 has, to date, a larger proportion of early-stage and venture growth deals, balanced by a lower proportion of pre-seed/seed and late-stage deals.

Tech Talkin’ Govs 2025: Innovation emphasized in governors’ State of the State addresses

With the start of the new year, most governors deliver State of the State addresses or Budget addresses laying out their priorities for the coming year. With revenues for many states relatively consistent with forecasters expectations, lawmakers, with a few exceptions, continue to maintain cautious or constrained views of their funding priorities and proposed initiatives. As a result, many governors in SSTI’s analysis of addresses delivered so far this season, are speaking more about previously implemented programs and their continued successes rather than rolling out many new programs. However, new priorities for growing stronger innovation economies have not been completely overlooked.

Future of Jobs Report 2025 points to shifting worker training, economic development priorities

The Future of Jobs Report 2025 by the World Economic Forum (WEF) explores how labor markets are being shaped by emerging technologies, demographic shifts, and environmental pressures. The report analyzes the evolving trends in employment, identifying both the risks of job displacement and the opportunities for job creation in a rapidly changing global economy. It also discusses the need for workers to adapt their skills to remain competitive in an increasingly automated and digital job market. The report primarily focuses on the impact of automation, artificial intelligence (AI), and energy-related technologies on future industry employment patterns.

TBED Community of Practice webinar highlights practical advice for SBA’s Growth Accelerator Fund Competition applicants

The most recent TBED Community of Practice webinar, “SBA’s Growth Accelerator Fund Competition in Action,” featured two previous winners of the GAFC who provided tips on how to prepare for and what to expect from the competition. A representative from SBA was also on hand to give the agency’s perspective.

EDA adds six more TechHubs with a $210M disbursement

The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) announced awards totaling approximately $210 million in implementation grants, ranging between approximately $22 million and $48 million, to six Tech Hub designees from recently passed appropriations from Congress.

EDA reauthorized: What are the key implications?

President Biden signed legislation that reauthorized the Economic Development Administration (EDA) on Jan. 4. With the Heritage Foundation, among others, consistently calling for EDA’s elimination, EDA’s reauthorization is no small feat on its own. The strong bipartisan support for the bill, which included provisions related to water resources development, is perhaps even more remarkable. The House approved it 339-18 on December 10, and the Senate passed it 97-1 on December 18. As authorizing legislation, it does not include funding, but it does contain provisions that are of importance to the technology-based economic development field. Among the provisions are modifications to cost share, new responsibilities and offices for EDA, and investment priorities that for the first time are approved by Congress.