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People & TBED Organizations

April 02, 2008

The Beaver County (Pa.) CO-OP announced it will change its name to StartingGate. The incubator will continue to assist entrepreneurs and new business start-ups and help expand existing businesses.

Joe Dedman was chosen as the first executive director of the Southeast Indiana WIRED.

Brian DuBoff was named the director of Maryland's southern region Small Business Development Center, which is hosted by the College of Southern Maryland.

Barbara Goodman has joined the Illinois Biotechnology Industry Organization as its executive director.

Mark Long has stepped down as the CEO of the Indiana University Research and Technology Corp.

Robert McMahan Jr., the North Carolina governor's senior adviser for science and technology and executive director of the North Carolina Board of Science and Technology, has left those posts to become dean of Western Carolina University's Kimmel School of Construction Management and Technology.

The Oklahoma Bioscience Association announced its launch.

Tracey van Niekerk has been selected as the new life sciences coordinator for the Economic Development Corporation of Wayne County, Indiana. Van Niekerk replaces Leslie Ducey, who left the organization in February.

David Winwood stepped down as associate vice chancellor for technology development and innovation at North Carolina State University to become CEO of the University of Alabama at Birmingham Research Foundation.

Alabama, Arizona, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania