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Tech Talkin' Govs, Part IV

February 10, 2010

The fourth installment of SSTI's Tech Talkin' Govs series includes excerpts from speeches delivered in Alaska, Connecticut, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, and Oklahoma. The first three installments are available in the Jan 13, Jan. 20 and Jan. 27 Digests.

Gov. Sean Parnell, State of the State Address, Jan. 20, 2010
"We will create even more jobs by funding construction of two new statewide buildings, the Anchorage crime lab I mentioned earlier and we will construct the Life Sciences building at [the University of Alaska, Fairbanks]. …

"… Where energy is concerned, we will continue reducing dependency on diesel across Alaska. And we are putting $25 million toward more in-state renewable energy projects. …

"… With the Governor's Performance Scholarship proposal, all Alaskan high school students can earn tuition for an in-state university or job-training program. They must complete a more rigorous curriculum than what's now required to graduate from high school. Four years each of math, science, and English and three years of social studies. But for students who take this curriculum, better grades will mean greater tuition awards. …

"… To responsibly pay for these scholarships, I propose saving $400 million, setting it aside and using the interest and investment earnings from this savings account to pay for these yearly scholarships."

Gov. Jodi Rell, State of the State Address, Feb. 3, 2010
"I am calling for the creation of the new Connecticut Credit Consortium - a $500 million partnership between the state and Connecticut banks to substantially boost credit availability. I propose canceling $100 million in old bond authorizations and instead use the funds for the Consortium. Our $100 million dollars will leverage at least $400 million dollars from banks all across our state. …

"… I am proposing that we expand our sales tax exemption to include machines, equipment, tools, materials, supplies and fuels used in the renewable energy and green technology. …

"… And our companies will only succeed if they have the qualified, trained employees they need.  That is why I am proposing a new loan forgiveness program for students who stay and work in Connecticut after they graduate from college with a degree or certificate in green technology, renewable energy, life sciences or health information technology. They will receive a $2,500 annual forgiveness for each of four years if they have a baccalaureate or higher degree or $2,500 a year for two years with an associate degree."

Gov. Martin O'Malley, State of the State Address, Feb. 2, 2010
"We need to leverage the enormous job-creating potential of more than 50 federal facilities in Maryland, which along with our businesses and institutions of science, discovery, and higher learning, are the backbone of Maryland's Innovation Economy: life sciences, bio-tech, high-tech, clean-tech, green tech, and cyber security. Our work is to leverage these innovation assets to create more jobs and more opportunities for more Maryland families."

Gov. Jennifer Granholm, State of the State Address, Feb. 3, 2010
"Tonight, I am announcing that my budget for the year ahead will restore the Michigan Promise Scholarship, identify a creative way to pay for it, and give it a new focus - keeping our young people in Michigan where they earn their degrees. …

"… So this year, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation will make a nationally recognized training program available to 1,000 prospective entrepreneurs in 12 small business assistance centers across the state. …

"… Tonight, I will also ask you to create more opportunities for entrepreneurs by creating a new tax credit for investors who make venture capital available to the Michigan businesses that need it to expand and create new jobs. …

"… In the year ahead, we will also expand opportunities for high-quality job-training through our No Worker Left Behind initiative. We set a goal three years ago to enroll 100,000 displaced workers in training that would allow them to fill the in-demand jobs of the new economy."

Gov. Jim Gibbons, State of the State Address, Feb. 8, 2010
"We are looking not only to expand our manufacturing base, but also to bring new green energy jobs to Nevada. In addition to building facilities to generate solar, wind and geothermal power, we also are working to establish research and development facilities for newer, better green technologies. This will not only help our environment, it will create new, long-term jobs in Nevada. …

Gov. Brad Henry, State of the State Address, Feb. 1, 2010
"The EDGE Endowment is our greatest tool for diversifying our economy and creating jobs for our children and grandchildren. Turning our backs on EDGE would send exactly the wrong message at the wrong time. I challenge you to think beyond the present and find a permanent funding source for this critical job-creating economic development tool. …

"… We also began funding an endowed chairs program that doubles our money and attracts the best professors to Oklahoma. This session, we have an opportunity to endow more than 900 new professorships at 21 of our colleges and universities without any new appropriations. I urge you to enact this critical proposal quickly so our students can reap the benefits."

Gov. Ed Rendell, Budget Address, Feb. 9, 2010
"We have much more to do to bring jobs to Pennsylvania and create a more prosperous economic future for our state. One important area where we can achieve this goal is alternative energy, and once again I call on you to enact new legislation that will allow Pennsylvania to maintain its position as a national leader in the field of alternative energy."

Gov. Dave Freudenthal, State of the State Address, Feb. 8, 2010
"… There's $45 million in the University of Wyoming budget for carbon capture sequestration research. If it is out of [Abandoned Mine Land fund], I know there's been some discussion about whether or not we should divert that to other ends. Do not divert that. We have made a commitment that that will be matched by private money. …

"… We need to be on the forefront. We need to demonstrate through the School of Energy Resources carbon capture sequestration works. … Let the technologies developed at the University of Wyoming support this effort and make sure that we are the ones who are selling those technologies overseas instead of buying them."

Alaska, Connecticut, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Wyomingstate tbed