Tech Talkin' Govs: Part VI
The sixth installment of SSTI's Tech Talkin' Govs series includes excerpts from speeches delivered in New Hampshire and North Carolina. Our first five installments were in the Jan. 9, Jan. 16, Jan. 23, Jan. 30 and Feb. 6 issues of the Digest.
New Hampshire
Gov. Maggie Hassan, Budget Address, Feb. 14, 2013
"The drastic cuts made to higher education in the last budget have hurt our ability to train a highly skilled workforce and to give our people the bright future they deserve. ...
"... That's why our budget substantially restores the cuts made to our community college and university systems. The University System will receive an increase of $20 million in fiscal year 14 with an additional increase of $15 million in fiscal year 15, bringing the system back to 90 percent of where it was before the cuts.
"And we have not only fully restored funding for the Community College System in the first year, but added $3 million in the second. In exchange, the leadership of both the community college and university systems have assured me they will go to their boards with a plan to freeze tuition for the next two years. ...
"... Our economy is changing rapidly with growing sectors like clean energy, biotech, and IT. There are many businesses looking to expand or move to New Hampshire; existing businesses who could use targeted tax credits to develop new products; entrepreneurs who, with just a little guidance, are ready to turn a creative idea into a burgeoning business ... This budget doubles funding for our Research & Development tax credit to help businesses invest in new technologies that can lead to growth and job creation. "
"... This budget also funds business incubators, like the Innovation Research Center and the Green Launching Pad at UNH, which have helped numerous entrepreneurs get their businesses off the ground."
North Carolina
Gov. Pat McCrory, State of the State Address, February 18, 2013
"We must ensure that our schools are preparing our students for success by effectively teaching them both the knowledge — both the knowledge and the skills — that will help them lead productive lives and also find jobs. The disconnect that I've seen right now between employers unable to find qualified talent, even with the high unemployment rate, and the citizens unable to get jobs must be resolved through education. ...
"... That's why my administration is seeking to expand strategic partnerships between the education community and the business community. My budget will promote this philosophy in pre-K, K-12, community colleges and our university system. ...
"... As governor, I will also lead a collaborative effort to help our universities come together as the competition for federal dollars is getting so tough. We need to come together as universities to maximize research funding. ...
"... But we also must look at our entire commerce strategy. In the area of business recruitment and needed investment expansion, we are going to be recalibrating our incentive program. This will ensure that we are using our resources based upon measurable results, to attract, expand and retain jobs in North Carolina. We will be undergoing a total review of our Commerce Department, to ensure that we are flexible and we are adapting to our ever-changing competition and economic conditions."
New Hampshire, North Carolinatech talkin govs, higher ed, r&d, tax credits, k-12