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SSTI Digest

Governors Talk Technology

Science, technology and workforce development are prominent themes in the plans 42 governors outlined for their states, according to the latest SSTI Issue Brief, Science & Technology in the States: Excerpts from the 1999 Governors' Addresses.  The publication provides a collection of 109 research, workforce development and technology-related quotes from 1999 Inaugural Addresses, State of the State Addresses, and Budget Addresses by the governors.

"Most Wired" Colleges and Universities Named

Yahoo! Internet Life magazine has named its 1999 list of the "100 most wired" colleges and universities.  This is the third year in which the magazine has published the list. Listed  in the top five are: Case Western Reserve University (OH); Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Wake Forest University (NC); the New Jersey Institute of Technology;  and, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY).

ATP Benefits Detailed in New Report

The expected economic benefits from the Advanced Technology Program far outweigh program costs, according to a new report issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Position Available

A Wichita, Kansas-based venture capital firm seeks a broadly qualified leader to commercialize technology, develop start-up businesses, manage pre-seed and seed capital funds, and raise capital. Resumes with a personal statement of interest and five professional references to Mary Breakstone at the Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation (KTEC). The full position description is available on the SSTI home page at www.ssti.org

Commerce Budget Proposal Would Affect SBIR

The Department of Commerce budget request as submitted by the Clinton Administration includes language that would exempt the Advanced Technology Program's $239 million budget from inclusion in the 2.5 percent set-aside for the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program. If passed as written, the result would result in a nearly $6 million cut in the Commerce SBIR obligation, which in FY1998 totaled $6.7 million.

New Report Questions U.S. Ability to Lead in Innovation

Despite a multi-year upswing in the national economy, the United States is not laying the foundation for its long-term prosperity says a new report issued by the Council on Competitiveness. If current policy and investment trends continue unchanged, the U.S. could lose its status as the world's preeminent innovator, according to The New Challenge to America's Prosperity: Findings from the Innovation Index.

Montana House OKs Use of Coal Taxes for R&D

The Montana House of Representatives narrowly approved a measure that, if passed by the Senate, will provide $9-$10 million a year for state research and development projects.

1998 Cumulative SBIR Phase I Results by State

The state-by-state results for the 1998 SBIR Phase I awards are presented here  -- as reported individually by the ten participating federal agencies and compiled by SSTI. Totals may not reflect new awards or cancellations made by an agency after the initial award announcements. Abstract information for funded SBIR projects may be obtained on each agency's SBIR website or by calling the federal agencies directly. Contact SSTI at 614/ 901-1690 if you need an agency's URL or phone number.

SSTI Releases USIP Study of State SBIR Programs

A new report by SSTI finds that 48 states have some structured SBIR promotion or assistance effort underway. States spent $8 million in FY 1998 to promote involvement and encourage success in the federal SBIR program. These are among the findings reported in State and Federal Perspectives on the SBIR Program.

Changes Proposed for Distance Learning & Telemedicine Program

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Utilities Service has issued a direct final rule incorporating a series of changes for the popular Distance Learning & Telemedicine Loan and Grant Program (DLT). The rule will become effective on May 10, 1999 unless the agency receives written adverse comments on or before April 26, 1999.

Wisconsin explores $100 Million for Venture Capital

Three separate public initiatives are underway in Wisconsin which could result in the availability of more than $100 million for new venture capital financing. The efforts are designed to spur venture capital investment in the state (ranked 45th in the 1998 Pricewaterhouse Coopers survey) and to increase entrepreneurial activity in the Wisconsin biotechnology community.

Position Available

Wheeling Jesuit University invites applications for the position of Chair of the Department of Business and Technology. Among the Chair's responsibilities are recruiting and retaining faculty, overseeing curriculum and budget, developing and maintaining strong ties to the business and governmental community of the Wheeling area, and articulating a vision which leads to widespread recognition of the Depart-ment as offering a premier education program. Applications will be accepted until May 10, 1999. The complete job posting is available on the SSTI website at www.ssti.org
