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SSTI Digest


The U.S. Department of Commerce's Technology Administration (TA) has announced the availability of approximately $2 million in funding for the Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Technology (EPSCoT). The program will provide 6-8 matching grants to support technology development, deployment, and diffusion through public-private partnerships in states which traditionally do not receive significant federal R&D funding.


In his first budget address, Illinois Governor George Ryan outlined a series of initiatives which would catapult Illinois into the top tier of states for technology-based economic development spending. Coupled with the $3-million-plus technology initiative announced earlier this year by Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, Illinois S&T investments could grow to $20 million annually, a threshold only six other states have crossed and maintained: Georgia, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas.


Two new, free resources are available that provide access to statistical data that can be used for a wide variety of analytic processes, including impact assessment, regional measurement, strategic planning and program design.


Last week's issue of the SSTI Weekly Digest was our 150th since beginning the publication on March 1, 1996. Since that time, the Digest has grown more sophisticated in its news coverage and value largely due to the input we receive from our readers. Accompanying this week's issue of the Digest in a separate e-mail is a short survey that we hope you will complete and send back to us. [NOTE: survey is not included with the arcvhive version of the Digest.]

SBA To Offer $1 Million for SBIR Assistance

The Small Business Administration (SBA) has announced plans to accept applications for funding to support selected local Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) assistance efforts. The program announcement will be available by mail beginning Monday March 22, according to Maurice Swinton, SBA point of contact.

NICE3 Program Awards $2.1 Million

The U.S. Department of Energy has announced the award of more than $2.1 million in grants to six U.S. manufacturers to help demonstrate and commercialize energy-efficient and environmentally friendly industrial technologies. The grants support technologies being developed for use in the chemicals, metalcasting, aluminum, forest products, and steel industries.

Michigan to Reorganize Economic Development, Workforce Functions

Michigan Governor John Engler has signed an Executive Order reorganizing the state's economic development and workforce development functions. The reorganization, which was unveiled by the Governor in his State of the State address, permits the formation of a new Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) in partnership with local governments.

ASME Offers Fellowships

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) is seeking candidates for the White House Executive Office Fellowship and for the Congressional Fellowship.

Publications of Note

Two publications that will be useful to those interested in technology-based economic develop-ment have been released recently. They are:

Venture Capital Investments Up 24% In 1998

U.S. venture capital investments for 1998 were 24 percent higher than record levels set in 1997, according to the latest Pricewaterhouse-Coopers Money Tree Survey. Results from the survey of deals made during the fourth quarter of 1998 revealed venture capital investment for 1998 totaled $14.27 billion — $2.78 billion higher than the total posted in 1997, and 78 percent higher than 1996 totals.

MEP, SBA, Others Offer Y2K Action Week, Help

The Small Business Administration (SBA), the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program (MEP) of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and several other federal agencies have declared March 29 through April 2, 1999 as "Y2K Action Week." Several educational events and technical assistance opportunities are planned around the country, including a 2-hour satellite broadcast by the Department of Housing and Urban Development that will be hosted by Housing Authorities across America.

Maine Issues S&T Report Card

The Maine Science & Technology Foundation (MSTF) has released the 1998 Maine Science and Technology Report Card, a first look at the state’s performance across twenty science and technology related indicators. MSTF will use the report’s findings to develop benchmarks for the next revision of the state’s biennial strategic science and technology plan, due out this fall.
