
Budget deal supports innovation, research

Congress has passed a budget for FY 2017 that largely continues support for federal innovation programs and R&D investments. Among the highlights are $17 million for Regional Innovation Strategies (a $2 million increase over FY 2016), level funding of $130 million for the Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership and $5 million for SBA’s clusters program. In reviewing dozens of line items, offices that had received significant cuts in the White House’s skinny budget appear to receive some of the largest funding increases (such as the Appalachian Regional Commission, Community Development Block Grant and ARPA-E). However, with the exception of multi-billion dollar increases for Department of Defense R&D, many increases are rather small in terms of overall dollars. This is, at least in part, a reflection of non-defense spending caps rising by only $40 million for FY 2017, limiting the availability of new funds. In this context, science and innovation gains are particularly impressive, with a five percent overall increase for federal R&D that particularly benefits NASA and NIH.

EDA Announces Funding for Entrepreneurial, Workforce Development in OK, PA SC, WY

Over the last several months, the Economic Development Administration (EDA) has announced millions of dollars in grants to support tech-based economic development efforts in communities across the country (see recent Digest articles from August 18 and September 8). The most recent announcements of grant funding will provide targeted funding to expand and build facilities that support entrepreneurial/business development in Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Wyoming as well as workforce efforts in South Carolina. Each of the grants also addresses a specific regional need or key industries including growth in advanced manufacturing sectors, attraction of foreign direct investment, and support for key regional tech-focused industries such as agriculture and healthcare.

Commerce Announces Appointments to National Advisory Council on Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The U.S. Department of Commerce has announced that 30 individuals will serve in the third membership cycle of the National Advisory Council on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (NACIE). NACIE, which was established in 2010, advises the secretary of Commerce on transformational policies to help communities, businesses and the American workforce become more globally competitive. With members serving two-year appointments, the newest appointments tothe council include representatives from the private, nonprofit and academic sectors, including several organizations involved in technology-based economic development. Furthermore, five of the NACIE members are returning to provide institutional knowledge that helps bridge the transition to the next presidential administration, according to a blogpost written by Julie Lenzer, director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the U.S. Economic Development Administration. Included in the appointments is SSTI Board member, Rebecca Bagley, vice chancellor for Economic Partnerships at the University of Pittsburgh. A full list of and biographical information on the newly appointed NACIE members can be found here.

Obama Administration Awards $38.8M to Support Economic, Workforce Development Projects in Coal-Impacted Communities

The Economic Development Administration (EDA), the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), and the Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration (ETA) have announced $38.8 million in funding as a part of the Obama administration’s Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization (POWER) Initiative – a coordinated federal effort to align, leverage and target a range of federal economic and workforce development programs and resources to assist communities negatively impacted by global transition away from coal.  In addition to $38.8 million in federal support, the federal partners anticipate that POWER investments will help coal-impacted communities leverage an additional $67 million from other public and private partners.

ARC, EDA Announce Nearly $65M in POWER Funds for Coal-Impacted Communities

This week, the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) and the Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) announced that FY 2016 funds for the Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization (POWER) program are now available. Now in its second year, POWER is a multi-agency effort to invest federal economic and workforce development resources in communities and regions negatively impacted by changes in the coal economy. In total, the EDA is making an additional $19.6 million available for POWER project grants under the agency’s Economic Adjustment Assistance program, while the ARC is making $45 million available under the Appalachian Area Development Program.

EDA Releases FFO for $15M Regional Innovation Strategies Program

The Economic Development Administration (EDA) released the Federal Funding Opportunity (FFO) and began accepting applications for the 2016 round of Regional Innovation Strategies (RIS) Program funding. In this round of funding, the EDA has made $15 million in federal funding available to create and expand cluster-focused proof-of-concept and commercialization programs and early stage seed capital funds through the i6 Challenge and the Seed Fund Support (SFS) Grant competition, respectively.  Managed by EDA’s Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (OIE), EDA has made $13 million available for i6 Challenge grants and $2 million available for SFS grants. The deadline for the 2016 RIS FFO is 11:59 P.M. ET on June 24. Read the FFO…

EDA To Open $15M Regional Innovation Competition in April

On April 25, the Economic Development Administration (EDA) will begin accepting applications for the 2016 round of the Regional Innovation Strategies (RIS) program. A total of $15 million in federal funding will be available through the program’s i6 Challenge and Seed Fund Support Grant competition. EDA will hold a series of webinars next week leading up to the release of the Federal Funding Opportunity on April 25, 2016. Webinar times are available on EDA’s RIS page. SSTI will host a post-launch webinar with EDA on May 5, 2016 at 2:00 P.M. EDT. Register today…

Obama Administration Announces $66M via POWER Initiative

In partnership with the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), the Economic Development Administration (EDA) announced the availability of $65.8 million in new funding through the Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization (POWER) initiative. The POWER Initiative is a multi-agency effort aligning and targeting federal economic and workforce development resources to communities, regions and workers that have been affected by job losses in coal mining, coal power plant operations, and coal-related supply chain industries. The new funding will help communities and regions develop new strategies for economic growth and worker advancement.

EDA to Host Conference Call for 2016 Hannover Messe International Trade Show

On Friday, November 6, at 10:00 A.M. ET, the Economic Development Administration will host a conference call for economic development organizations that are interested in participating in Hannover Messe 2016 – the world’s largest trade show for industrial goods, technology, and R&D. The conference call agenda includes information on U.S. Industry Pavilions for SMES/Export Services; the show’s Research & Technology Pavilion; and, a Q&A with SelectUSA, U.S. Export Assistance Centers, Deutsche Messe AG, and Hannover Fairs USA. To register, please e-mail Micah Escobedo (micah.escobedo@trade.gov).

Reminder: Deadline for 2015 Regional Innovation Strategies Applications October 5

As a reminder, the closing date for applications to the Regional Innovation Strategies (RIS) program is Monday, October 5. A program of the EDA’s Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, the 2015 RIS Program Competition includes $10 million to support two unique grant opportunities:


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