SSTI Digest

Geography: Maryland

University of Maryland Announces New Initiative for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The University of Maryland announced the Academy for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, an initiative to infuse a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship across its campus through a series of classes, workshops and outside-the-classroom experiences. By providing the necessary encouragement and resources, the university administration hopes to empower students and faculty to translate their passions and creative ideas into real-world solutions to economic, societal, technological and cultural problems. Launching in fall 2013, the academy will be led by Dr. Dean Chang, associate vice president for innovation and entrepreneurship for the University of Maryland. Read the release...

Tech Talkin' Govs: Part IV

The fourth installment of SSTI's Tech Talkin' Govs series includes excerpts from speeches delivered in Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Tennessee and Texas. Our first three installments were in the Jan. 9, Jan. 16 and Jan. 23 issues of the Digest.

Budget RoundUp: States Seek Modest investments for S&T

Governors in several states recently unveiled spending proposals for the upcoming fiscal year or biennium. While fiscal conditions in most states remain fragile, new or continuing investments focused on science, technology and innovation were introduced as pro-growth measures to aid in states' recovery efforts. With the exception of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's ambitious economic development plan (see the Jan. 9 issue of the Digest), most of the proposals were on the modest side. They include funding for a life sciences partnership in Indiana, more money for tax credits in Maryland, and additional funds in Nevada and South Dakota for research and commercialization.

TBED People and Orgs

Former Oklahoma Treasurer Scott Meacham has been named president and CEO of i2E.

TBED People & Orgs

SSTI is pleased to welcome Reese Neader to our team as a research associate. Reese is the former policy director for the Roosevelt Institute Campus Network and is a political science graduate from Denison University.

Maryland Innovation Initiative Announces Initial Slate of Programs

Maryland's Innovation Initiative (MII), launched earlier this year, unveiled two inaugural programs on Monday aimed at commercializing technologies at the state's universities. The new Innovation Discovery Program will help universities identify promising technologies and potential collaborations by reimbursing them for the costs of employing on-site, part-time "site miners." The Innovation Commercialization Program will provide cash awards to support research, commercialization planning and product development. The programs are part of an ongoing effort in the state to coordinate commercialization activities at the five qualifying universities.

TBED People & Orgs

Caren Franzini, the CEO of the New Jersey Economic Development Authority, stepped down after leading the agency for 21 years. Michele Brown, Gov. Chris Christie's appointments counsel, will take over as CEO.

TBED People & Orgs

Richard Bendis has been named the first president and CEO of BioHealth Innovation, Inc. a regional private-public partnership focusing on commercializing market-relevant biohealth innovations and increasing access to early stage funding in Central Maryland.

Maryland Fund Aims for 40 New Discoveries a Year

A new fund established to capitalize on Maryland's leadership in R&D seeks to move 40 new discoveries and innovations out of the lab and into the marketplace each year through a partnership between the state and five universities. The Innovate Maryland initiative is seeded with $5 million in the FY13 budget with additional funds from the participating universities to provide grants to researchers. The Maryland Technology Development Corporation (TEDCO) will administer the fund. The goal of the fund is to promote commercialization of university research, encourage universities to partner with federal labs, and facilitate tech transfer from universities to commercial industries. Participating universities are Johns Hopkins University, Morgan State University, University of Maryland Baltimore, University of Maryland Baltimore County, and University of Maryland College Park. Each university will contribute between $100,000 and $200,000 on an annual basis. The initiative was unveiled in January as part of Gov. Martin O'Malley's 2012 legislative agenda (see the Jan. 25, 2012 issue of the Digest). The bill is available at:

Abell Foundation, TEDCO Launch $3.3 Million Angel Fund Targeted at Baltimore's Startups

The Abell Foundation and Maryland Technology Development Company (TEDCO) announced the Propel Baltimore Fund — a $3.3 million angel investment fund targeted at startups and entrepreneurs in Baltimore. The fund will invest in technology companies with innovation-focused business plans that are located in Baltimore or are willing to relocate to the city. Initial investments will be between $50,000 and $100,000 (maximum investment of $220,000 per company). Propel investments will require a 50 percent match from outside investors. Read the press release.

Mid-Session Update on State TBED Proposals

As many states near the mid-point of their 2012 legislative sessions, we thought it would be a good time to take a look at some of the bills advancing in statehouses that could impact states' efforts to improve economic conditions. Several states are seeking to advance access to capital initiatives as they continue to struggle with declining revenue and tight credit restrictions. The following overview provides a sampling of TBED bills supporting access to capital, R&D enhancements and higher education standards.

Maryland Gov's Agenda Seeks to Advance Tech Commercialization

Building on the momentum of the InvestMaryland initiative passed last session, Gov. Martin O'Malley unveiled a joint venture between the state, federal research labs and academic institutions to accelerate technology commercialization. Under the Maryland Innovation Initiative, participating universities would pay a fee of $250,000 each year and, when leveraged with state funds and private donations, a pool of money would be used to award grants to startup companies seeking to advance research from Maryland labs. The program would be administered by the Maryland Technology Development Corporation (TEDCO). Legislation to establish the program was introduced as SB 239.
