SSTI Digest

Geography: New Mexico

NM Unveils Plan to Create Energy Jobs, VT Claims Green Jobs Victory

New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez has released the state’s first comprehensive energy plan since 1991. Her administration characterizes the plan as an “all of the above” approach with an emphasis on improving infrastructure, creating new incentives and streamlining regulations. Though the plan does not feature support for energy technology R&D, it prioritizes reducing fresh water consumption and improving workforce training for energy jobs.  In Vermont, a recent report notes that the state has grown clean energy employment by more than 6 percent in the last year.

Hoping to Boost State’s Tech Sectors, New Mexico Gov Signs Incentive Package

Last week, New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez signed House Bill 2 into law, new tax incentive legislation that, according to the governor, expands the state’s economic development toolkit. The bill received bipartisan support, in the GOP-controlled House, where it passed 60-2, and the majority-Democrat Senate, where it was approved 31-11. According to the Martinez administration, the package is expected to cost between $6.5 million and $11.5 million per year. The bill expands six incentives already established, while two new tax breaks are created. Most notable for New Mexico’s TBED community are the New Mexico Angel Tax Credit and the Technology Jobs and Research and Development Tax Credit Act.

First Round of State Legislatures Approve FY16 Budgets for TBED Initiatives

Over the past few months, SSTI has followed proposals issued by governors in their budget requests, State of the State Addresses, Inaugural Speeches and other events. Now that many state legislatures have begun approving budgets, the Digest will check on the status of these proposals, and examine the state of technology-based economic development funding in the states. This week, we review budgets in Arizona, New Mexico, South Dakota, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming

Tech Talkin’ Govs: Workforce, Education Issues Continue to Dominate Gubernatorial Addresses

SSTI's Tech Talkin' Govs series has returned as governors across the country formally convene the 2015 legislative sessions. The series highlights new and expanded TBED proposals from governors' State of the State, Budget and Inaugural addresses.

SBA To Fund Regional Innovation Clusters in NM, WI, Ozarks, Gulf Coast

The U.S. Small Business Administration has announced four new Regional Innovation Clusters that will be included among its portfolio of high-performing regional networks. Awardee clusters will receive $500,000-$550,000 for mentoring, counseling, pitch development and other small business support programs.  The new members of SBA’s cluster portfolio include Milwaukee’s Water Technology Cluster, Southeastern New Mexico’s Autonomous and Unmanned Systems Cluster, a Retail, Supply Chain and Food Processing Cluster spanning the Ozarks region and a Marine Industries Cluster in several Gulf Coast states.

New Commercialization Efforts Launched by Universities, Industry Partners

University-focused initiatives that help bring new technologies and products to market help drive regional economic development and encourage an entrepreneurial culture on campuses. To create stronger connections with the private sector, eliminate barriers between universities and the innovation community, and better support industry needs, some higher education institutions are honing in on entrepreneurship and commercialization activities.

2014 Bills Tackle Crowdfunding, Tax Credits, Startup Capital and More

Several bills aimed at supporting startups, advancing research and improving the workforce have been introduced with the start of the 2014 sessions. Some of the proposed legislation offers a glimpse into the investment priorities of governors and lawmakers in the wake of economic recovery. Providing innovative companies with access to startup funds is a continued theme from previous years. Some states are seeking to expand tax credits for angel investors or offer new tax credits to encourage emerging industries. Other bills focus on generating more skilled workers quickly and positioning universities to enhance regional economic competitiveness.

Tech Talkin’ Govs: Part III

Tech Talkin’ Govs: Part III

NM Gov Proposes Tax Credits, Research Initiatives for Startup Growth

Funding to universities to compete for endowed chairs and startup funds for a commercialization initiative are among New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez’s proposals for tech-based economic growth in the coming year. The governor also wants lawmakers to expand the state’s angel investment tax credit and reform the Technology Jobs Tax Credit and R&D Small Business Tax Credit to better support startup companies. The announcements were rolled out over the past two weeks and detailed in the FY15 budget presented to lawmakers.

Southwestern Universities Reorganizing Their Economic Development, Technology Transfer Activities

Two universities, the University of New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM) and the University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), are expanding or restructuring their economic development operations to improve commercialization of technology stemming from faculty research and the coordination and business development in their communities.

Voters Reject Tax Increases, Back Bonds for Higher Ed

While election night's main focus was on the presidential race, the importance of ballot measures for states and metros is growing as public services and budgets are being severely trimmed. A recent article in The New Republic reports on a new trend where states are embracing ballot measures as a potential source of dedicated funds for targeted investments in regional economic growth and development.

TBED and the 2012 Ballots

Voters in 37 states will decide on more than 170 ballot measures this year, many of which are related to tech-based economic development (TBED). Tax measures seem to be dominating ballots this year, with questions relating to both decreases and increases for sales, property and income taxes. Several states are counting on voters to agree to temporary increases to help fill budget deficits and ensure steady funding for education.
