SSTI Digest

Geography: Ohio

Federal TBED Leaders to Speak at Conference

SSTI's Annual Conference is the only economic development conference this fall with the senior leaders of the Economic Development Administration (EDA), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) speaking. John Fernandez of the U.S. Department of Commerce, Sean Greene of SBA and Phillip Singerman of NIST will kick off an important dialogue among all conference attendees on how we communicate the value of investments in innovation, encourage collaboration, and adapt to changing economic and fiscal conditions. Prepare for a highly interactive session in a moderated, thought-provoking dialogue on how economic development programs at all levels are (or should be) changing as a result of today's realities. Learn more...

Build Your Network Connections During SSTI's TWO Conference Receptions

This year's conference will kick off with an Opening Reception hosted by TechColumbus at COSI. Attendees can experience science, technology and innovation at work through more than 300 interactive exhibitions and more than 100,000 square feet of exhibit space while reconnecting with colleagues and networking with conference attendees, speakers and our local host over drinks and hors d'oeuvres. The reception will begin Monday, Nov. 7 at 6:30 PM.

More than Just a Typical Conference!

Beyond the numerous breakout sessions and insightful plenary sessions, SSTI's 15th Annual Conference offers attendeesseveral activities that other conferences typically don't offer including networking with other practitioners at some of the city's finest restaurants (Dine A-Rounds), maintaining your normal exercise regimen (a morning 5k run/walk) and sharpening your mind (morning Hatha Yoga).

SSTI Conference Sessions Offer Something For Everybody

This year's SSTI Annual Conference will provide attendees with many opportunities to explore the issues that drive technology-based economic development. When planning your conference experience, make sure to check out our breakout sessions, which will allow participants to focus on the topics that interest them.

Award Winners Demonstrate TBED Success Stories

Now in its fifth year, SSTI's Excellence in TBED awards program has recognized 20 of the most effective, innovative and transferable initiatives for growing tech-based economies from across the country.

Almost Sold Out — Limited Sponsorship Opportunities Remain

As an SSTI conference sponsor, you have the chance to showcase your organization with the decision makers responsible for crafting and implementing local and state-level policies and programs that directly contribute to the nation's competitiveness. Today's marketplace is about belonging and staying connected. No other event brings together so many of the nation's top players in the TBED community.

Renée Winsky Elected to SSTI Board of Trustees

Renée Winsky, chief executive officer of the Technology Council of Maryland (TCM), has been elected to the board of trustees of SSTI. Prior to joining TCM in 2009, Winsky served as the president and executive director of the Maryland Technology Development Corporation. An SSTI member since 1999, Winsky has been a speaker at SSTI conferences and accepted the 2008 Excellence in TBED award for Commercializing Research Category on behalf of the Maryland Technology Transfer Fund. She previously held positions at the Information Technology Association of America, the National League of Cities and its affiliate, and the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors.

Have You RSVP'd for the Conference?

You've registered for the conference; booked your travel and hotel; made sure your iPod is charged... but have you told your friends and colleagues you'll be attending SSTI's biggest event of the year?

Don't Miss the Ohio Early Stage Summit VIII, Immediately Following the Conference

This year SSTI is linking with the Ohio Early Stage Summit to offer the unique opportunity for attendees to maximize their time by attending two conferences, three receptions and endless networking opportunities in just three short days and all in the same location.

Gordon Gee to Give Keynote at SSTI Conference

SSTI is thrilled to announce that Ohio State University President E. Gordon Gee will be the Keynote Speaker. Dr. Gee has held more university presidencies than any other American. He is the co-author of eight books and the author of numerous papers and articles on law and education. He is both an insightful and entertaining speaker that you won't want to miss. Be sure to register for the conference today!

Join us at COSI for the Opening Reception Celebrating SSTI's 15th Annual Conference

This year's opening reception will be unlike any other. COSI is designed to enlighten, entertain, and amaze you. Attendees will experience science, technology and innovation at work through more than 300 interactive exhibitions and more than 100,000 square feet of exhibit space, including the country's only high-wire unicycle. One of the newest exhibits is the Labs in Life, a state-of-the-art laboratory where researchers from The Ohio State University conduct studies on physical activity, nutrition, and body composition using cutting-edge equipment.

EDA Chief Confirmed for SSTI Conference

SSTI is pleased to announce that John Fernandez, Assistant Secretary for Economic Development at the U.S. Department of Commerce, will participate in a plenary session on the changing role of the federal government in TBED at this year's Annual Conference. SSTI's Annual Conference is the only economic development conference this fall with the senior leaders of the Economic Development Administration (EDA), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) speaking. Find out more about the plenary session and the full schedule at:
