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SSTI Digest

FY 1999 Budget: S&T Highlights

On Monday, the Clinton Administration released its detailed budget proposal for FY99 that requests a 2.57% increase in research and development funding. The FY99 budget proposal calls for increasing spending on R&D to roughly $78.16 billion, up $1.96 billion from FY98.

Federal Government Announces New Plans to Support IT Worker Development

The Clinton Administration has announced initiatives to finance computer training and retraining programs to meet the dramatically increasing demand for Information Technology (IT) workers. The announcement occurred at the National Information Technology Workforce Convocation, an event to facilitate broad-based solutions to the worker shortage.

Real Increase in R&D Spending Expected for 1998

The United States could be on the verge of a major resurgence in the funding of research and development (R&D), according to the annual forecast by Battelle Memorial Institute and R&D Magazine. R&D spending in 1998 is expected to reach more than $215 billion, a 4.66 percent increase over the $206 billion that the National Science Foundation estimates was spent in 1997. The prediction comes after years of stagnation in R&D spending.

ATP Alliance Network Website Launched

The National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST) Advanced Technology Program (ATP) has launched a new Internet website entitled the ATP Alliance Network. The website is designed to aid organizations interested in applying for an ATP Joint Venture award.


Dr. Rita R. Colwell, the current President of the University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute and former President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and a former member of the National Science Board, has been nominated by President Clinton to serve as the next deputy director of the National Science Foundation.


Dr. Rita R. Colwell, the current President of the University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute and former President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and a former member of the National Science Board, has been nominated by President Clinton to serve as the next deputy director of the National Science Foundation.


Dr. Walter Plosila has joined Battelle Memorial Institute as Vice President, Public Technology Management. He served most recently as the executive director of the North Carolina Alliance for Competitive Technologies (NC ACTs).


Joseph Magno, the executive director of the New York State Science and Technology Foundation, has resigned his position. He has accepted a position with the State University of New York Research Foundation.


Dr. Robert Center has retired. Dr. Center was the executive director of the Washington Technology Center.

NSF Reclassifies R&D Budget, Cutting SBIR Funds

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has decided to reclassify its R&D budget, which will result in a reduction of funding available for its Small Business Innovation Research program (SBIR). The reclassification was recommended by Inspector General Linda Sundro. NSF Director Neal Lane has concurred with the recommendations.

1997 Economic Report Card Available

The Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED) has released its 1997 Development Report Card for the States. The annual report card assesses the strengths and weaknesses of each state's economy and its potential for future growth. Its rankings are watched closely by state development officials.

Public Comments & Working Group Sought to Set IVI Research Agenda

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has announced the formation of the Intelligent Vehicle Initiative (IVI), a major component of the Intelligent Transportation Systems America program. IVI represents DOT's efforts to merge all vehicle-focused research activities into a multi-agency research and development program. DOT is seeking assistance from industry and stakeholders on the planning of this new initiative.
