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Tech Talkin’ Govs, Part IV

January 30, 2008

The fourth installment of the Tech Talkin’ Govs series includes excerpts from governors’ speeches delivered in Georgia, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.


Georgia –
see article in this issue of the Digest.



Gov. Steve Beshear, State Budget Address, Jan. 29, 2008

“I recommend a $60 million bond authorization for a new round of ‘Bucks for Brains.’ … This program has attracted and retained some of the brightest faculty and research teams in the nation. In times like these, we simply must invest in the future. …


“… It is time to revitalize our economic development efforts, and as chair of the Economic Development Partnership Board, I will work with the Secretary of that cabinet to review and revise our strategy, giving it a new focus on the entire state and on twenty-first century jobs.”



Gov. Deval Patrick, State of the Commonwealth Address, Jan. 24, 2008

“On the jobs front, let’s both advance human healing and add another 250,000 jobs over the next decade by passing the Life Sciences Bill next month.


“Let’s start promoting efficiency, renewables, cheaper electricity, and new jobs in a hot new growth sector by passing the Energy Bill.


“Let’s connect the whole state to the world of ideas and commerce, and jumpstart the economies in western and central Massachusetts, by passing the Broadband Bill.”



Gov. Jennifer Granholm, State of the State Address, Jan. 29, 2008

“And tonight, I'm announcing two major initiatives to grow new jobs in Michigan. ... First: the Michigan Job Creation Tax Credit - a one time offer for businesses in the 50 fastest-growing industries in the country. Whether your business is in Michigan today or you'll come here tomorrow, if you grow jobs in Michigan, we'll cut or altogether eliminate your taxes. Along with new Michigan Business Tax, this is the first time in Michigan history where businesses will be broadly rewarded for hiring people.


“Second: I will create the Michigan Invests! Fund - a fund that will put Michigan money to work building Michigan's economic future. Young companies that want to grow in Michigan are instead being uprooted by their investors who live in California or New York. Invest Michigan! will give high-growth companies the investment capital they need if they grow right here.


“The Michigan pension fund and other major Michigan funds will combine to amass a pool of at least $300 million to create this win-win: pensioners and investors will get a good return on these sound investments. Michigan gets cutting-edge businesses and jobs. Michigan will now be in the top three states in the nation for making investment capital available to successful entrepreneurs who create jobs here. …


“… But let me talk for a moment about one sector that has blockbuster potential for Michigan: alternative energy. … Because of the need to reduce global warming and end our dependence on expensive foreign oil, the renewable energy and energy efficiency industries will create millions of good paying jobs.

“There's no question that these jobs are coming to our nation. The only question is, where?


“I say we will win these jobs for Michigan and replace the lost manufacturing jobs with a whole new, growing sector. … Alternative energy companies have watched closely as 25 other states have set aggressive goals for their alternative energy use. We have to meet and beat other states' goals here in Michigan if we are going to attract those companies here. That's why I am asking the Legislature to set ambitious alternative energy goals for Michigan - produce 10 percent of our electrical energy from renewable sources by the year 2015 and a full 25 percent by the year 2025. …


“… Tonight, I'm announcing that our state's largest utilities are poised to make one of the world's largest investments in alternative energy and energy efficiency, creating upwards of 17,000 jobs in Michigan.


“As soon as this Legislature acts on a comprehensive energy package, Consumers Energy and DTE will begin to jointly invest up to $6 billion in Michigan - much of it to build wind turbines and wind farms to produce electricity and to help businesses and homeowners install energy saving technologies. Six billion. 17,000 jobs. …


“… A renewable energy goal is a powerful tool to attract alternative energy jobs, but there are other tools, too. We are going to create Centers of Excellence across the state to bring alternative energy companies and Michigan universities together to create new products and new jobs. I'm also asking you to pass tax incentives for anchor companies in the alternative energy sector that get their suppliers to also locate in Michigan.


“And to make sure that ethanol is made here and sold here and is competitive with gasoline, I'm asking you once again to eliminate the gas tax for fuel purchases of ethanol and biodiesel at gas stations.


“… In the past year, we created six early college high schools, which each partner with a major hospital in our state and a college or university. …We have six of these schools in Michigan today - with our 21st Century Schools Fund, we could create 100 more tomorrow. …


“… Unfortunately, far too many of our students enter college but don't graduate. The higher education budget I propose will take aim at that problem by rewarding colleges and universities when their students complete degrees. We'll also reward them when … they find ways to turn research ideas into businesses.


Tennessee – see article in this issue of the Digest.



Gov. Jim Doyle, State of the State Address, Jan. 23, 2008

“Tonight I am proud to report that even during these uncertain times, the State of Wisconsin is primed to meet the challenges ahead. We are ready to Grow Wisconsin. … To get there, I present to you tonight the next step in my Grow Wisconsin strategy…


 “… We can create an economy built around innovation if we work … to encourage business to center their research and development operations in Wisconsin. When a business increases its research and development by 25 percent, let’s reward them dollar for dollar for what they invest beyond that. …


 “… Tonight we’ll launch an aggressive new strategy to reduce the pollution that causes global warming and grow Wisconsin’s economy – the Wisconsin Energy Independence Fund – a major new investment to make Wisconsin a world leader in renewable energy and homegrown power. Over the next 10 years Wisconsin will invest $150 million to help our businesses, our farmers, our foresters, and our manufacturers produce and promote renewable energy.


“Our strong manufacturing base and rich agricultural industries, along with the wealth of resources in our vast northern forests and world-leading research universities, position Wisconsin to become the Saudi Arabia of renewable energy. …


“Tonight we’ll launch a new campaign to increase the availability of renewable fuel by one billion gallons. First we’ll provide new tax credits for biodiesel fuel producers and add 400 new renewable fuel pumps to our roads. Second let’s pass a renewable fuel standard … to require oil companies to provide renewable fuel for our consumers. …


“… To make sure we have more kids ready to compete in the world, I urge you to pass legislation to make a third year of math and a third year of science mandatory for high school graduation.”
