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Useful Stats: NIH Awards by State, FY 2001-05

February 12, 2007

Increasing federal funding for life science research is one of the most significant ingredients for improving a state’s position in building a strong biotech and biomedical sector. As appropriations for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) were increasing annually – as they did in the last half of the 1990s and the first few years of this decade – this was not a zero-sum game. All states could win.


That is less likely to be the case if increases in NIH appropriations barely keep pace with inflation as Congress and the Administration shift research priorities toward other areas of science and engineering.


So how did everyone do during times of plenty? To answer this, SSTI has compiled a table of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) awards in total dollars and state rankings from fiscal years 2001-05. The states, ranked by percent change over the five-year period, show South Dakota (132.28), Louisiana (115.52), Montana (113.13), Indiana (96.61) and North Dakota (96.60) posted the greatest gains.


Those posting the top five largest dollar amounts in FY 2005 - California, Massachusetts, New York, Maryland, and Pennsylvania - remained unchanged from FY 2004. Overall, total NIH awards grew by 38.39 percent over the five-year period. Every state, including the District of Columbia exhibited an increase of total dollars except Wyoming, which incurred a $1.23 million decrease.

SSTI's table is available at: http://www.ssti.org/Digest/Tables/021207t.htm


NIH awards and statistics are available at: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/award/awardtr.htm
