
Internal and External R&D: A Sample Selection Approach

January 01, 2004

The study explicitly takes into account that the decision to enter into an external research and development (R&D) relationship is related to an antecedent decision to carry out R&D. Based on a sample of Italian manufacturing firms, the results confirm the need to consider explicitly the selectivity issue in the empirical analysis of external R&D.

R&D and Subsidies at the Firm Level: An Application of Parametric and Semi-Parametric Two-Step Selection Models

January 01, 2004

The paper analyzes the effects of public subsidies on research and development (R&D) expenditure in the German manufacturing sector. The focus is on the question whether public R&D funding stimulates or crowds out private investment.

Evolution of R&D Networks

January 01, 2004

The paper models the formation of R&D networks in an oligopolistic industry. In particular, it focuses on the co-evolutionary process involving firms technological capabilities, market structure and the network of interfirm technological agreements.

Horizontal and Vertial Integration in the Presence of Research Spillovers

January 01, 2004

The authors investigate how different types of merger affect input prices, research levels and equilibrium profits in vertical market structures when there is research activity in the upstream market that spills over to the downstream retailers.

Firm Strategies in R&D: Cooperation and Participation in R&D Program

January 01, 2004

The paper presents empirical evidence on firms’ decisions to cooperate in R&D and the extent to which government sponsored R&D programs increase cooperation. Using a sample of firms from the Spanish innovation survey, the authors jointly estimate the determinants of firm participation in R&D programs and of choice of cooperation partners.

Does the Market Value R&D Investment by European Firms? Evidence from a Panel of Manufacturing Firms in France, Germany, and Italy

January 01, 2004

The authors use a newly constructed panel dataset of firms that are publicly traded in France, Germany, and Italy. They find that the relative shadow value of research and development (R&D) in France and Germany is remarkably similar both to each other and to that in the U.S. or the United Kingdom. During the same period In contrast, R&D in publicly traded Italian firms is not valued by financial markets on average.

R&D Investment as a Signal in Corporate Takeovers

January 01, 2004

The authors find that under takeover threats, target firms may nevertheless increase R&D investment in order to signal their compatibility with the acquiring firm.

Survey of Industrial Research and Development

January 01, 2004

The info brief from the National Science Foundation reports that industrial research expenditures in the U.S. had a record single-year decline in 2002. An inflation-adjusted decline of $8.6 billion was the largest-ever reported since the survey began in 1953.

Are R&D Subsidies a Substitute Or a Complement to Privately Funded R&D? Evidence from France Using Propensity Score Methods for Non- Experimental Data

January 01, 2004

The study examines the effect of research and development (R&D) subsidies on the private funding of R&D in France. The author addresses this issue from the annual R&D survey over 1985-1997, which provides information about the R&D subsidies given by all the ministries to the firms having at least one full-time person working on R&D.

Cooperative R&D with Endogenous Technology Differentiation

January 01, 2004

The authors introduce an alternative way of modeling spillovers, focusing on the design of the research and development process. According to the authors, in their model the spillovers depend on the compatibility between firms’ technologies.


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