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SSTI Digest

New Microelectronics Program Being Planned

The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), in cooperation with members of the semiconductor industry and the U.S. Department of Defense, is launching a new initiative to expand certain long range applied microelectronics research at U.S. universities.

NSF Funds Three Earthquake Research Centers

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has selected three centers to conduct and coordinate earthquake engineering research for the nation. The contracts call for NSF to invest $2 million a year for five years in each of the three centers for a total of $30 million.

Calendar of Events

October 29, 1997

Demand Exceeding Supply of Info Tech Workers

Job growth in information technology (IT) now exceeds the production of talent, according to a U.S. Department of Commerce's Office of Technology Policy (OTP) study, America's New Deficit: The Shortage of Information Technology Workers. A recent survey of mid- and large-size U.S. companies by the Information Technology Association of American (ITAA) concluded that there are about 190,000 unfilled IT jobs in the U.S. today due to a shortage of qualified workers.

SBA Announces Tibbetts Award Winners

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has announced this year's Tibbetts Award winners. The 68 winners represent individuals and organizations that were judged to be models of excellence in technology through participation in or support for the SBIR program.

Technology Transfer Summit Proceedings Available

The proceedings of the Technology Transfer Metrics Summit is now available from the Technology Transfer Society. The book is based on the first working conference on measurement and evaluation for the technology transfer community, co-sponsored by the Engineering Foundation and the Technology Transfer Society.

New Advisory Board to Guide MEP; MEP Successes Highlighted

Eight industry and economic development leaders have been appointed to serve on the newly created Manufacturing Extension Partnership National Advisory Board. Meeting three times a year, the board will provide advice on MEP programs, plans and policies. The board will summarize its findings and recommendations to the Secretary of Commerce in an annual report.

Delaware Funds Two New Centers

The Delaware Economic Development Office recently announced the selection of two new Advanced Technology Centers (ATC). The Centers will focus on semiconductors and advanced optics.

Public Comments Requested on Proposed ATP Changes

The Commerce Department's National Institute of Standards and Technology is requesting comments on proposed revisions to the agency's Advanced Technology Program regulations.

Connecticut Releases State Technology Study

The Role of Technology in the Connecticut Economy, a new report produced by the Connecticut Technology Council (CTC), provides a comprehensive analysis of the role of technology in the state's economy. Overall, the report reveals both a strong technology contribution to the Connecticut economy, as well as the state's dependence on technology for achieving its economic potential.

National Medal of Technology Nominees Sought

The U.S. Department of Commerce is accepting nominations for the 1998 National Medal of Technology. The Medal of Technology recognizes technological innovators who have made lasting contributions to enhancing America's competitiveness and standard of living.

NIST, OSTP Nominations Announced

President Clinton intends to nominate Ray Kammer to become the next director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Duncan Moore as the Associate Director for Technology in the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). Both appointments must be confirmed by the Senate.
