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SSTI Digest

13 Receive National Medal of Science and National Medal of Technology

Thirteen individuals have been named recipients of the National Medal of Science and the National Medal of Technology--America's version of the Nobel Prize. Among those honored was a director of one of New Jersey's Advanced Technology Centers.

SBA Names Winners

A Missouri businesswoman was named National Small Business Person of the Year by the Small Business Administration. Phyllis Hannan, president of Laser Light Technologies, received the award last week as part of the SBA's Small Business Week (June 2-8) celebration. Small Business Week is designated each year to honor the nation's small businesses and to highlight their contributions to the national economy and their local communities. SBA also honored leading business owners from each state, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico at the ceremonies in Washington. Contact SSTI for the names of the state or special award winners.

Engineering Research Center to Focus on Environmental Issues in Semiconductor Manufacturing

The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) have created the NSF/SRC Engineering Research Center for Environmentally Benign Semiconductor Manufacturing. The new center will study the environmental, health, and safety aspects of the semiconductor manufacturing process.

Position Available at Florida MEP

The Florida Manufacturing Extension Partnership (FMEP) is seeking a Director who possesses the skills that are needed for the corporation to excel. The applicant should be an innovator and entrepreneur as well as a leader and a team builder with excellent communication skills.


The State Science and Technology Institute has launched its home page on the World Wide Web. The site serves as a one-stop resource for cooperative technology program managers. The site provides information on SSTI activities including information services and research.

MEP Eases Access to Services

Small and medium-sized manufacturers looking for assistance in solving technical and business problems now have improved access to the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP). MEP is a nationwide network of locally managed centers in 42 states and Puerto Rico offering technical assistance to smaller manufacturers.

Position Available

Seed Capital Venture Fund Manager

The newly created Seed Capital Venture Fund in Cleveland, Ohio is seeking a fund manager. The fund will be professionally staffed with experienced managers who have a substantial ability to drive the fund to invest for returns, not perform community service. Key elements of the fund's structure include its focus on seed capital and early stage investment in technology-based companies in the State of Ohio, with heavy emphasis initially on Northeast Ohio opportunities.The structure of the fund is a limited partnership with a 10-year life. Gains will be shared 80/20 with the Fund Manager who will in turn share 3 to 4 points with appropriate nonprofit "intermediaries." A Board of Advisors comprised of members of the venture capital community, representatives of Cleveland Tomorrow (similar to the chamber of commerce) and state-wide members will help in raising capital, but will not make investment decisions.

NMFS Announces Fisheries R & D Program

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is accepting applications for the FY96 round of the Saltonstall-Kennedy (S-K) Grant Program. The S-K grant program supports research and development projects that address various aspects of commercial and recreational fisheries including harvesting, processing, and marketing. The program focuses on rebuilding U.S. fisheries for sustainable use. The FY96 base funding for this program is approximately $7.0 million.


The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) this week issued a solicitation for Phase II of its Sustainable Technology Partnerships (STEP) initiative. Phase I of STEP was created in 1994 as a pilot project.

SBIR Funding to Reach $1.1 Billion

Funds available for the federal Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program are estimated to top $1.1 billion in FY97 if the President’s budget request is enacted. With FY96 budget appropriations still pending for some agencies, SBIR managers are hesitant to project FY97 set asides for their programs, but in interviews with SSTI staff, the managers provided projections for FY97 based on the President’s budget request.

Illinois’ New Web Site Links to Mfr Directory

The State of Illinois recently announced a new World Wide Web site that provides Illinois firms with a means to quickly locate the technical and business assistance available in Illinois.

West Virginia to Establish Science & Tech Board

The West Virginia Legislature recently approved a bill to create the West Virginia Science & Technology Policy Advisory Board.  The 11- member board will be appointed by the Governor and is expected to:
